What is bot management?

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Understanding bot management

Bot management is a segment of software solutions that are put in place to mitigate business risks from bot attacks. Recent innovations to these solutions have addressed the increased size and sophistication of bot attacks on modern web applications. Malicious bot activity can range from account takeover and credential stuffing to web scraping, carding and denial of inventory and scalping.

It’s more important than ever to keep your web applications protected. And that means more than distinguishing good bots from bad bots. A bot management solution should integrate seamlessly with your entire tech stack to foster advanced, proactive protection across your organization.

What are the latest bot threats?

The latest bot threats include credential stuffing and account takeover, carding, denial of inventory and scalping, and web scraping. These affect all areas of modern business infrastructure including web applications, mobile apps and APIs.

How can bot management products address these threats?

Bot management products must not only protect web apps from increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks by bots in real-time, but also obscure their defenses against cybercriminals. The best bot management solutions can distinguish between bot traffic and legitimate users through a combination of machine learning, environmental data, traffic volume and device fingerprinting.

What industries can benefit from bot management?

Bot management can benefit all types of businesses — especially retail e-commerce, financial services, travel and hospitality, food delivery and media companies. Your digital storefront is the primary avenue for consumers to discover, experience and interact with your brand. Cybercriminals abuse popular storefronts with malicious bots that buy out and scalp inventory, steal credentials, and empty accounts of loyalty points and credits. Effective bot detection and mitigation can protect your user experience, website and business.

How can bot management integrate with my application development process?

Bot management can and should be an integrated effort between application development teams and security teams. By aligning these roles, you can overcome the risks associated with rushing code to deployment, and smoothly implement bot management earlier in your web application development cycle.

What are critical capabilities in a bot management solution?

The best bot management solutions do more than just rate limiting or CAPTCHA. Key functionalities for a bot mitigation solution include 10 criteria, according to Forrester Research. Meeting as many of them as possible will ensure your web and mobile applications are protected from automated threats as they continue to evolve.