Ad Fraud & Spoofing Protection for DSPs, SSPs, and CTV
We fight fraud and protect the brands you serve by ensuring quality ad inventory is reaching real humans.

MediaGuard protects against disruptive ad fraud to improve quality and trust in the ecosystem.
Using superior detection techniques, hacker intelligence, and collective protection across the internet, HUMAN detects and defeats bot attacks and fraud with unmatched scale, speed, and precision.
By leveraging actionable insights that only HUMAN can provide, we ensure that only real humans will interact with your digital advertising.
Detects Deception at Scale
Global Observability Advantage
The Modern Defense Platform verifies the humanity of more than 15 trillion interactions per week to identify internet traffic patterns and anomalies.
Enables Friction-Free Bidding
Maintain Customer Experiences
HUMAN helps you preserve and protect your customers’ trust and digital experiences with your applications and services.
Actionable Insights
Maintain Control of Your Inventory
Our dashboard provides you with oversight, control, and metrics for all stakeholders.

How MediaGuard Works
Powerful detection techniques, applied on a per-session analysis of each impression, decipher between real humans and sophisticated bots.


