Prevent Fake Interactions

Data Contamination Defense blocks fake website engagements and reduces bot-generated invalid traffic (IVT) to your website.


Prevent Data Contamination

Drive smarter decision-making, avoid wasted spend, and preserve user trust—without manual effort.
Protect Data-Driven Decisions
Identify and remove bot traffic from your website metrics, so your team has confidence in reporting.
Trust Your Users

Prevent fake likes, reviews, comments, and form fills to ensure only real humans interact with your applications.

Reduce Bot-Generated IVT

Identify sources of automated traffic to stop bots from consuming your marketing spend and improve ROI.

Create a Spam-free Environment

Block automated comments and reviews which could contain malicious links. This allows your security team to ensure all comments are legitimate.

Ensure Accurate Data and Analytics

Filter out bot traffic from your website metrics to avoid skewed analytics and enable smarter data-driven decisions.

Prevent Social Engagement Manipulation

Block automated likes, comments, form fills, and spin fraud that inflate popularity, manipulate content, and damage user trust.

Stop Bots from Consuming Marketing Efforts

Identify sources of invalid traffic in paid marketing campaigns so your team can optimize your marketing and ad spend and clearly demonstrate the ROI of bot mitigation.

Protect Applications With a Purpose-built Package

Data Contamination Defense is part of Human’s Application Protection Package, a set of solutions on the Human Defense Platform that secure web and mobile applications from a range of cyberthreats.

Over 90% of marketers plan to increase or maintain investment in marketing analytics

By removing bots from website data, security teams can keep fraud out of their data systems and clearly demonstrate ROI of their security initiatives.


Keep Marketing Free from Fraud and Abuse

AEG Presents Identifies and Stops Marketing to Bots

AEG Presents was seeing invalid traffic for several notable music events. With HUMAN’s help, they reduced fraud by identifying fake impressions and optimized their marketing mix for subsequent campaigns.

Identified 10.59%
of total traffic as fraud
Uncovered 15%
of one tour effort as fraud

Read Case Study

Overall, understanding the percentage of bot traffic coming from paid media channels helps AEG to plan as part of the marketing mix.

Head of media

Auto Brand Prevents Fake Leads to Drive Conversions

A luxury auto brand suspected the presence of fraudulent leads in its performance data. Using HUMAN intelligence, the brand altered lead acquisition strategies and models to increase conversions.

Identified 17%
of traffic as fraud
increase in conversions

Read Case Study

“As soon as we implemented threat detection measures and removed all the known fraud, the results were night and day compared to when we hadn’t noticed it.”

Director, programmatic & analytics Luxury Auto Brand

See How Data Contamination Defense Works

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